Jacob and Esau Meet Again Activity

How can we ask for forgiveness when we've wronged someone? How can we forgive others? Includes a teaching guide, 2 games, a arts and crafts, and a prayer exercise.

Needed: Arts and crafts paper and crayons or colored pencils for the craft, diverse modest objects for the Poke the Deport game

Intro Game

Play Poke the Acquit or Tag the Bear from the Jacob Tricks Esau lesson.

Tag the Bear

Like a normal game of team Tag, you'll split your group into 2 groups and cull one side to be It. The difference is that y'all'll besides secretly cull one leader or student on the other side to exist the Bear. When the It tags anyone on the other team, they're out. But when someone tags the Carry, the Bear roars and starts chasing them! The whole second team joins in for a role reversal of who'southward chasing who. The concluding person left on the original It team wins.

Poke the Bear

Similar to the "No!" game from the Isaac Gets a Wife! Lesson, you'll set a series of random objects in front of a leader or educatee at one terminate of your play area. The chosen person (the Conduct) secretly decides which object will be their trigger. One by ane, students from the other side of the play expanse sew together and take ane of the objects in front end of the Bear. If it's not the Bear chosen object, the Bear does cipher and the student stays in the play area. If the person takes the Bear's chosen object, the Bear roars and chases after anybody, including those who haven't taken their turn yet. Anyone the Deport tags is out. The terminal one left is the winner.

After either of these games, remind students that Jacob did some very mean things to Esau that made him very angry. Information technology was fun to make the Bear bad in our game, simply we should be careful not to care for people badly in real life and so that they don't go upset as Esau did.


Ask students, What does it hateful to forgive someone?

If yous exercise something wrong to someone, what exercise you have to do to make that person forgive y'all?

If someone does something wrong to yous and hurts your feelings, what practice they have to do to make you forgive them?

Well, final time we learned near two twin brothers, named Jacob and Esau. Esau was the oldest and he grew up to be a big, potent hunter. Jacob was the younger one and he liked to stay at home. Does anyone call back what bad things Jacob did to his brother, Esau?

When Esau came in from hunting one time and was very hungry, Jacob wouldn't give Esau any nutrient until Esau agreed to give him his birthright. Then, when their begetter, Isaac, was very old and blind, Jacob dressed upward similar Esau and tricked Isaac into blessing him instead of Esau.

Does anyone remember what Esau wanted to do to Jacob when he found out that Jacob had tricked Isaac and stolen his approving? (Esau wanted to impale Jacob.)

Then what did Jacob take to do so that Esau couldn't kill him? (He had to run away.)

Today, we're going to find out what happened to Jacob when he ran away from Esau and had to get alive somewhere else.

Summarize Genesis 28-33 with the post-obit Bible story, request the included questions as you read.

Jacob left domicile and headed toward the country where his grandfather, Abraham, had grown up. Ane night, while he was nonetheless on his way to the old country, Jacob put a rock nether his caput for a pillow. How would y'all similar to utilize a rock for a pillow?

He put a rock under his head and went to sleep. While he was sleeping there, he had a dream of a giant ladder, stretching all the way upwardly into Heaven. Angels were climbing upwards and down on the ladder from Sky to earth and God was standing at the peak of the ladder. "I am the Lord," God said, "the God of your granddaddy, Abraham, and your father, Isaac. I will give you many children and I volition give this state of Canaan to you and to your children and to your grandchildren forever. I will exist with yous and will not leave you."

So Jacob woke upwardly and said, "If God will keep me safe on this journey and take care of me and bring me back to the state of Canaan, and then I will serve Him as my God and volition give Him a tenth of everything I get."

Jacob went on a little further and finally came to the town where his grandad, Abraham, was from. There was a well outside the town and when Jacob came up to the well, he plant a group of shepherds with their sheep, all gathered around the well with a big rock on height of it. "Why don't you motion the stone and requite your animals a drink from the well?" Jacob asked the shepherds.

"The rock is very heavy," the shepherds answered. "Nosotros have to look until everyone gets here so everyone can help motility the stone."

While Jacob was however talking with the shepherds, his cousin, Rachel, came up to the well with her sheep. Jacob idea that Rachel was very beautiful. And so when he saw her, he rolled the heavy rock off the well all past himself and gave her sheep some water. Then, when Rachel found out that Jacob was her cousin, she invited him to come up to spend the night at her family unit'south house.

Afterward Jacob had stayed with his cousins, Rachel and Leah, and his uncle, Laban, for a whole month, Jacob told his uncle that he loved Rachel and wanted to marry her. "I volition work for y'all for seven years," Jacob told his uncle, "if you will let me marry Rachel."

Laban agreed and when those 7 years were over, Laban gave a great wedding banquet, and Jacob thought he was marrying Rachel. But it was so dark outside during the wedding and since the adult female he was marrying was wearing a veil over her face up, Jacob couldn't run into that it wasn't really Rachel he was marrying. In fact, he didn't discover who it was he had married until the sun came up the side by side forenoon!

Who exercise you recall the adult female was that Jacob married?

When Jacob woke up the next morning, he saw that it was his cousin, Leah, who he had married. Then, Jacob was very angry. "Why did you trick me?" Jacob yelled at his uncle, Laban. "I told you lot I would piece of work for y'all if you would permit me ally Rachel, non Leah."

And then Laban said, "I will let yous marry Rachel, just you lot had to ally Leah starting time since she is the oldest. Work for me for another 7 years and I'll let you marry Rachel."

So Jacob kept working for his uncle and was married to both of the sisters. He was also married to two of Rachel and Leah's servants, Bilhah and Zilpah. With four wives, Jacob shortly had a very big family. He had twelve sons and some daughters too.

Finally, later on working for his uncle for 20 years, Jacob decided that it was fourth dimension for him to take his new family unit and go habitation.

Why had Jacob run away from home? (Because Esau was going to impale him for tricking Isaac and taking Esau's approval.)

Well, Jacob didn't know if Esau still wanted to kill him, simply he thought that he had stayed abroad long enough and that he might as well take the chance of going home.

Practise yous call up Esau volition try to kill Jacob when he goes home?

While Jacob and his family were on their way home, Jacob sent a messenger to tell Esau that he was coming. The messenger returned a few days later on and said, "I told Esau you were coming home and now he is coming to meet you with four hundred armed men!"

Jacob was very agape of his brother, Esau, and he divided his family unit into 2 groups, sending 1 that manner and the other this way. "If Esau attacks one grouping of my family," Jacob thought, "the other group might get away." When the two groups of his family unit left, Jacob was all by himself. He prayed, "Oh, God, when I ran away from home, I didn't have anything. But You said Yous would be with me and would protect me and have intendance of me and now, You lot accept given me such a large family. But I am afraid that Esau volition come up and kill me and my family unit for what I did to him."

When Jacob was finished praying, he took all of the hundreds of goats, sheep, cows, ass, and camels that he had and sent his messengers ahead of him to give the animals to Esau as a souvenir. Jacob thought that maybe if he gave Esau such a large gift of so many animals that Esau would accept the gift and not hurt him.

Do yous think it will work? Will Esau take the animals and non hurt Jacob?

Then a man, who was really God, came and wrestled with Jacob all night. When the dominicus was coming up, the human who was actually God twisted Jacob'due south hip and hurt him. Merely Jacob said that he wouldn't let the man who was really God become until He blest him. So God blest Jacob and changed Jacob's name from Jacob to Israel.

So the human being left and Jacob, limping from his injure hip, walked on to meet his brother, Esau. When he saw Esau and his 4 hundred men coming, Jacob bowed down to the ground 7 times to apologize. But Esau ran up to his brother, Jacob,…

What do y'all think Esau's going to do?

Esau ran upwards to his brother, Jacob,… and hugged him and kissed him. Then Esau gave Jacob back all the animals Jacob had sent to Esau as a gift because Esau was simply glad to meet Jacob coming home and had forgiven him for all the wrong things Jacob had done to him.

Do you think information technology was squeamish for Esau to forgive Jacob?

It was nice. Even though Jacob did and so many bad things to his brother, Esau was able to forgive him. And God wants us to forgive people when they do bad things to us, too. God e'er wants us to forgive, just like God forgives us when we practice something wrong.

Game: Poke the Bear or Tag the Bear (with a Twist!)

Play either of the two games from the previous lesson. But this time, when the Bear starts to chase later on the kids, first counting. The Bear can tag as many students as possible, simply when yous reach the number 3 on your count, they have to end and either get back to their place or take a normal place in the game. If yous're playing Tag the Bear, choose a new Bear.

After the game, explicate that when people feel mad or hurt, it can take them some time before they can forgive the person that hurt them. But God does want us to forgive others and make peace with them as soon as possible, merely like the Bear was angry for a little while but and then calmed dorsum down.

Prayer Do

Ask the students to think of ane person who has washed something incorrect to them. Tell them to pray for God'southward assistance to forgive that person. Next, accept them call up of a 2d person and repeat the prayer to God. Have them call up of a third person and do the aforementioned affair.

Arts and crafts: Apology Alphabetic character

Have the students call up of ane person they've washed something wrong to. Inquire them to write a letter apologizing for what they did. The alphabetic character could be to a parent, sibling, or other family member or to a friend. Direct them to include what they did wrong. At the cease, they should enquire the person to forgive them. Remind them that it makes God happy when we apologize for the wrong things we do and ask other people to forgive us. When nosotros do wrong things, we should also apologize to God.

Closing Prayer

Jesus, we thank You lot for the example of Esau forgiving his brother. And nosotros cheers for always forgiving us when nosotros do incorrect things. We pray that You'll help us forgive other people who do the incorrect things to us. Amen.

This lesson is included in my volume, Father Abraham: Children Sunday Schoolhouse Lessons on Genesis 12-fifty.

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Source: https://ministry-to-children.com/esau-forgives-jacob/

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